How great is having FOSS, and not to pay a dime for your OS? I’m usign GNU/Linux for my everyday tasks, aswell on my work computer. It’s been more than a year since I made the switch from Windows.

My current distribution of choice is Fedora. I always had linux in mind, but in the past I always failed to dive full into it, because of reasons. Reasons which are past now (lack of programs, incompatibility with hardware, etc.). As I see the main Linux distros grew tremendously in the past few years.

On the other hand Windows evolved also, but I don’t think it was in a good way. Why are you trying to sell me subsriptions I don’t need, or the recent ads in the file explorer?!

What made me to switch? It was the shiny new Windows 10 with spying already enabled on all platforms. Just a few months after the release I needed to do something, because I felt uncomfortable using my own computer.

I had some experiences with Ubuntu, so I chose the LTS version as my first full-time Linux OS. The switch was seamless, in fact it helped me a lot, I learned countless of new things, skills, etc. After 5 months I wanted to change as I started to notice the ever growing bloat in Ubuntu too.

Then came Fedora to the rescue! Ever since it’s installed, I’m in love with it! Gnome works best on it, much more seamless experience out of the box as it was on Ubuntu after tweaking. The (new) package manager dnf is easy, efficient and fast!

What is the purpose of this post? Nothing really, just wanted to rant, to make the frustration gone after I was tasked at work with the initial setup and configuration of two Windows 10 laptops. It was painfully slow process. It came preinstalled, but by the time I got to the desktop I was at the one hour mark, then 4 GB of Windows Updates later started an upgrade which took over one hour to finish!!!